Ighaemwin vbe eGrama Edonaze
Uwara 1 - Table 1
ọkpa ọkpa | in 1s | ọkpọkpa |
eva eva | in 2s | eveva |
eha eha | in 3s | eheha |
enen enen | in 4s | enenen |
isen isen | in 5s | isisen |
ehan ehan | in 6s | ehehan |
ihinron ihinron | in 7s | ihihinron |
erenren erenren | in 8s | erenrenren |
ihinrin ihinrin | in 9s | ihihinrin |
igbe igbe | in 10s | igbigbe |
owọrọ owọrọ | in 11s | owọrowọrọ |
iweva iweva | in 12s | iweviweva |
Uwara 2 - Table 2
iweha iweha | in 13s | iwehiweha |
iwenen iwenen | in 14s | iweniwenen |
ekesugie ekesugie | in 15s | ekesugiekesugie |
eneirrọvb'ugie eneirrọvb'ugie |
in 16s | eneirrọvb'ugie eneirrọvb'ugie |
ehairrọvb'ugie ehairrọvb'ugie |
in 17s | ehairrọvb'ugie ehairrọvb'ugie |
evairrọvb'ugie evairrọvb'ugie |
in 18s | evairrọvb'ugie evairrọvb'ugie |
okpairrọvb'ugie okpairrọvb'ugie |
in 19s | okpairrọvb'ugie okpairrọvb'ugie |
ugie ugie | in 20s | ugieugie |
Uwara 3 - Table 3
urukpa | once |
igbava | twice |
igbaha | trice |
igbaenen | four times |
igbaisen | five times |
igbaehan | six times |
igbaihinron | seven times |
igbaerenren | eight times |
igbaihinrin | nine times |
igbaigbe | ten times |
igbaowọrọ | eleven times |
igbaiweva | twelve times |
igbaiweha | thirteen times |
igbaiwenen | fourteen times |
igbaekesugie | fifteen times |
Uwara 4 - Table 4
ihe ọkpa | into 1 |
ihe eva | into 2 |
ihe eha | into 3 |
ihe enen | into 4 |
ihe isen | into 5 |
ihe ehan | into 6 |
ihe ihinron | into 7 |
ihe erenren | into 8 |
ihe ihinrin | into 9 |
ihe igbe | into 10 |
ihe owọrọ | into 11 |
ihe iweva | into 12 |
ihe iweha | into 13 |
ihe iwenen | into 14 |
ihe ekesugie | into 15 |
Uwara 5 - Table 5
Inugba | how many times |
Igbaigbọgban | at everytime or in anytime |
kẹdẹkẹdẹ | any day |
kokẹkodẹ | anyway |
ẹghẹhia | always |
kẹghẹkẹghẹ | anytime |
De ẹghẹ | which time / what time |
tẹbitẹ tẹghori | forever |
udohori | untimely or unpredicted |
ẹghẹ | time |
Uwara 6 - Table 6
Edo | inglish |
ẹdẹgbe | day break / early morning |
ẹdẹrriọ | the other day |
rrerrerre | come early |
urriọmwen | early rise |
narrianusin | pasted generation |
ẹghẹ nọgberra | time past/long time ago |
okhian ẹdẹha | being long |
ẹghẹ naye | this time |
ẹghẹ nọgberra | time pass |
ẹdẹ naye | today |
ẹdẹ ọvbere | another day |
ẹdẹ nodẹ | day before |
ẹghẹ ọvbere | another time |
uzọla ọvbere | another week |
uzọla nọdee | next week |
uzọla nọgberra | last week |
uzọla naye | this month |
uki ọvbere | another month |
uki nọde | coming month |
uki nọgberra | passed month |
uki n'ọgberra | last month |
ukpo ọvbere | another year |
ukpo nọde | coming year |
ukpo nọgberra | passed year |
ukpo naye | this year |
Uwara 7 - Table 7
Ifiẹmwen | Sentense |
Irian ku nẹ ẹdẹgbe | They played till day break |
Vbua kharẹ ẹdẹrriọ ? | What did you say they other day? |
Narrianusin ọh ghi rrie agbon? | it/he/she came to life last generation |
ẹghẹ n'ọgberra, okhuo ka ghare Ọba Edo vbe otọ-Edo, | A woman was once a king in Edoland long time ago. |
ẹghẹ n'aye na we na ye duena? | You still doing this, this time? |
Arhanmwen oha ka gu emwanagbon ýin | Many time ago, wild animals lived with human |
Urhuẹse, ẹdẹ ọvbere uh rrie me. | Thank you, you give it to me another day. |
Uh sẹtin sorẹ ẹghe ọvbere | You can sing it another day |
uzọla nọde ima tamaen | We tell him next week |
uki nọde ọh we ihien de rha? | Did she say, she is coming next week? |
Oduwa gha ze esuku obọ ukpo nọde | Oduwa will leave school next year |
uzọla n'ọgberra ihian ghi rre | They came last week |
uki n'ọgberra Oba rhu iguẹ | Oba celebrated “iguẹ” last month |
ukpo n'ọgberra arrioba fie urhi werrie | The government changed the laws last year |