
Egbe Ẹmwaen | Emwi n'oru | In English |
Aro (eyes) | N'ah ya ghere (dẹghere) | Use in view |
Ehọ (ears) | N'ah ya danmwehọ | Use in listening |
Ihue (nose) | N'ah ya hionron | Use to breath |
Aramwen (tongue) | N'ah ya danmwemwin | Use to taste |
Ukpunu (lips) [ukpẹ unu] | N'ah ya guan kevbe rri'evbare | Use to speak and eat |
Obọ | N'ah ya de emwin yi | Use to hold something |

Egbe Ọmwan 1
Teeth - Akọn
Uhun - (head)
Ẹrrerre - ( Brain)
Aro - (eyes)
Ehor - (ears)
Ihue - (nose)
Arramwen - (tongue)
Ukpunu - (lips) [ukpẹ Unu] / Akhuarrunu
Akon - (teeth)
Ẹho -(Troat )
Ẹýaen - ( Neck )
Ifuanro - (eye Lashes)
Avavaro - (eye Ball)
Uvun Ihue - (nose Hole)
Eto Ihue - (nose Hair)
Eto Uhun / Etuhun - (head Hair )
Eto Ihere - (handpit)
Akhuarrunu - (lips)
Obọ Errọmwan - (right Hand)
Obọ Iyọmwan / Agobọ - (left Hand)
Izabọ - (showder)
Ikpianbọ - (hand Fingers)
Ikpianwẹ - (legs Fingers)
Atatobọ - (hand Pam)
Atatowẹ - (leg Pam)
Fingers - ihien
Cheek.- iro
Lips - akhuara vbunu
Gum. - iriorio
Penis. - ekia
Virginia - uhe
Testicle. - iviekue
Abdomen - ere

Egbe Ọmwan 2
Arm-Pit - Ihere
Breast - Ewęn
Palm Atata - Obọ
Anus - On’isan
Buttocks - Ikebe
Thigh - Ekuaowẹ
Toes - Ikpian’owẹ
Fingers - Ikpian’bọ
Teeth - Akọn
Knee - Igbọn
Mouth - Unu,
Foot Atata - Owẹ
Forehead - Uhuaro
Face - Ugbaro
Tongue - Aranmwẹn
Hair - Eto
Belly - Eko
Back - Iyeke
Knee - Igbọn
Mouth – Unu
Foot - Atata-owẹ
Nose – Ihue
Eyes - Aro
Forehead - Uh’aro
Face - Ugb’aro
Tongue - Aranmwẹn
Hair - Eto
Belly - Eko
Ribs - Ifenmwen ague
Back - Iyeke
Chest - ẹwẹ
Nape - ehinakhoe
Jaw. - agbanmwen
Ears – Ehọ
Neck – Ęyaęn
Fingers - Ikpian’bọ
Head – Uhunmwun
Ekuabọ - Arm
Ekuawẹ - Thigh
Urhuabọ - wrist
Urhuawẹ - Ankle

Egbe Ọmwan 3
Akobọ -
Ihien Obọ - (hand Finger Neils)
Ihien Owẹ - (leg Finger Neils)
Ovbukhon -
Ekia - (penis)
Uhe - (vargina)
Ukpekia -(penis Pick)
Urhuabọ - ()
Urhuawẹ - ()
Ẹko - (stomach)
Ibuẹ Ẹko - (intestine)
Iyeke - (back)
Ewen - (breast)
Ẹwẹ - (chest)
Igbon - (elbow)
Ihere - (armpit)
Fore Arm - Ekuaobọ
Elbow – Ukoko’abọ
Hand - Obọ
Forearm - Ekuaobọ
Elbow - ukoko’abọ
Arm-pit - Ihere
Breast - Ewęn
Palm - Atata-obọ
Anus - On’isan
Buttocks - Ikebe
Leg - Owẹ
Thigh - Ekuaowẹ
Toes - Ikpian’owẹ

Nọgben Ebe: Uwagboe Ogieva
