
A gha biẹ ọmon ẹgbẹ ighi wiri
children are the continuity of the family

A ma din aighi ýin agbon
Success in life is not possible without courage

A ma mien ẹson aighi mien uwa
No challenge no champion, no venture no success

A ma sinmwin aighi yaen
When you don't seek, you can't find

A gha khẹ ikpen, aighi rrie emorrọ
Make haste while the sun shines

A tọọ rriẹ ọkpa ma sẹrẹ, a fianwu rrie ẹmila
Moderate weath with long life is better than riches with short life

Ahianmwen ighi kanmwan nẹ ẹghẹ tin
No matter the size of a bird, its still flys

Aighi do hie erren, ighogho ọ vọ re
No matter how you hide to make fire, smoke will reveal it

Atẹtẹ ighi wi ye igho
The tray do not get lost in the market

Aighi mien ọmwan n'ọfona
No one is perfect. Life is a continious adventure

Aighi ye ẹfe rrie umwen
You don't take salt base on how much you have it

Aighi wu mu agbon rrie owa
You don't take your wealth with you when you die

A ma la owa, aighi rhen vbe n'a bore hẹ
You cannot tell interior of a house until you enter

A ma rru khọ aighi wu khọ
One who is innocent is of a clear conscience

Amen n'a gha won, ẹighi lẹ sẹ ọmwan rhae
The water destine for you, you shall surely drink

Nẹkpẹnẹkpẹn a siẹ irri uwa
Slow and steady wins the race

A ma dẹẹ giẹ aza, a ghi rriẹ igho aza giẹ aza
Always stick to agreement and contract

A ma khuan khẹ ota, ai we nẹ ota maen ọmwan
If you don't work or save for tommorrow, don't expect anything

Ya horo egbe ghe nẹ a ya bohien nẹ Ẹdo
Put yourself in other's shoe before you judge them

Eh vba yẹ iro ru, eh rhọkpa i lọghọ ọmwan
What you do deligently and intelligently will always get you merits
Gbaro ghe egbuẹ! Gha kp'owa vbe ẹdogbo nu ye
Itan Edo eso...
21.Enọ ma midobo ẹrọ mwẹn ẹtin
(Who doesn't experience obstacle is one with strength)
22. Uhunmwun Ẹkpẹn ẹi wii yo oha
(The head of a leopard is never to be forgotten in the forest)
23. Adeve ei fiobodo
(A man with infested scrotum can never dance acrobatics)
24. Ẹkpoloiyẹkẹ ẹi gia mu vbovbo.
(It is impossible to put a pregnant woman on your back as a baby)
25. Ọvbokhan ye ivikuẹ Erha ku vbe nọ ye ewẹn iyẹ ku
(A child cannot play with his father's scrotum as would with the mother's sucking breast)
26. Ekhue ẹi mue oyi vbe nọ muẹn etiọnrẹn
(A thief is never ashamed of his relations)
27. Aiwe n'agbe ghẹ viẹ
(You cannot beat a child and deprived him not to cry)
28. Erhan nọ ma gie owẹ gbe, ẹra tiẹre gharevba
(The tree that was so rigid to cut down has become existent.)
29. Ebe nọ rhiẹnrhiẹn ewe ẹrrọ gbe ewe
(The sugar-coated poisoned leaves are such that kill goat(s)
30. Obọ na so vbe ẹki ẹi lele ọmwan sẹ owa
(The pleasant handshake at a marketplace never followed anyone home)
31. Uhunmwun nọ gha rrie egie, ẹbo ọkpa daiyi.
(The head that must wear the crown has no hindrance to stop it)
32. Aghatitigbe aghazese emietenmwen.
(Fame beyond reality brings forth the sacrifice of shame)
33. Ama miẹn ẹsọn, ai miẹn uwa
(Without hard work efforts will not be crowned with success)
34. Amasabọ iwolo, aiwolo
(If you are not capable to handle a challenge/squabble, never attempt it at all.)
35. Ẹkpẹn biẹ ọyẹvbu.
(The Leopard never beget a weakling.)

Nọgben Ebe: Uwagboe Ogieva
