
Showing posts with the label Ama ukpo Imoto

Ama Ukpo Imoto

AMA UKPO IMOTO Ọten nọghan Ẹdẹnaye Today's date Ama ukpo imoto ọrẹ avbẹ ama nọrrẹ ukpo na fiẹẹ imoto laa na ya giẹ odẹ ra na ya guẹẹ ọfimoto guan emwin nọdekaen ukpo nẹ ọ la khian. Imoto ọrẹ avbe okotọ ughughan na fi lẹẹ ukpo. Imoto ughughan a mien. Usun ama ukpo imoto na mien ra na rhu ya giee obẹlẹ vbẹ obọ na gberra ghee vbẹ ukpo rrẹẹ uvien nẹ ọkẹ ototọ Vehicle road signs are signs on drive way use to describe directions or give information to drivers concern drive way. Ukpo - Road Imoto - Vehicle Okotọ - Car Ama ukpo - Road sign Ama ukpo Imoto - Vehicle road sign O Or Ore Ore Ẹ Ore Ẹd Ore Ẹdo Ore Ẹdo N Ore Ẹdo Nẹ Ore Ẹdo N'Ọ Ore Ẹdo N'Ọb Ore Ẹdo N'Ọba Ore Ẹdo N'Ọba Y Or

Iwewe nẹ ewman ghee sẹẹ

Iruemwin ibiẹka

Ulaba (1 - 20,000)

Ukamwen (Mathematics)

Emwiokọ vbe emwin ukoni



Ẹgbẹ vbẹ Ẹdo


Debae vbẹ Ukamwen
