
Showing posts with the label Emwen Vbe Afiwerie

Ẹmwen Vbẹ Afiweriẹ

ẸMWEN AFIWERIẸ Ọten nọghan Ẹdẹnaye Today's date Emwen Afiweriẹ 1 Ogiẹ (laugh) Eve (cry) 2 Ọrre (far) Ọsikẹẹ (near) 3 Ọma (Good) Ẹma (bad) 4 Ẹdẹgbe (Day) Ason (night) 5 Ọkhẹke (relevant) Ọmakhẹke (irrelevant) 6 Ọgbon (new) Ọgbonwuan (old) 7 Iye (mother) Erha (father) 8 Agobọọ / Obiyọmwan (left hand) Oberrọmwan (right hand) 9 Nọbun (Many) neKherre (small) 10 Kpọlọ (big) Kherre (small) 11 Khuikhui (black) Fuọfua (white) 12 Uro (inside) Oree (outside) 13 Vbiẹẹ (sleep) Rhiọrre (awake) 14 Dayi (hold) Zẹobọ (free) 15 Dẹẹ (Buy) Khien (Sell) 16 Guan (talk) Hunmwan / Iguma (silence) 17 Wẹghẹrẹẹ (easy) Lọghọ (diffic...

Iwewe nẹ ewman ghee sẹẹ

Iruemwin ibiẹka

Ulaba (1 - 20,000)

Ukamwen (Mathematics)

Emwiokọ vbe emwin ukoni



Ẹgbẹ vbẹ Ẹdo


Elẹta Na Gben

Debae vbẹ Ukamwen