
Showing posts with the label Ukamwen Iyi

Ukamwen iyi

UKAMWEN IYI Ọten nọghan Ẹdẹnaye Today's date Ukamwen Iyi Ukamwen iyi Uwagbọẹ Ogieva ọrẹ ukamwen ulaba na mwanmwan ugiugie. Ukamwen iyi ọrẹ vbe na kẹẹ ulaba ra emwin vbihe ugie ugie ra ugiugie. Iyi vbẹ Ẹdonazẹ ọrẹ ugie. Ẹghẹ nọgberra, Tẹẹ ikhuo ẹki yiee emwin iran khien. Iran sẹtin yi emwin vb'inu nọkhin. Vbe n'ọta ye, iyi eveva, eheha, enenen, isisen ra igbigbe. Iyi eva ọrẹ ugie vbihe eva (20 x 2). Counting of Iyi “Ukamwen Iyi” initiated by Uwagboe Ogieva are mathematical counting in twenty twenty. “Ukamwen Iyi” refers to counting of things or numbers in 20s. Iyi in Edo language is 20. In history, market women do shade products in quatities in the market. Goods are arrange in certian numbers. E.g. In two two, three three, four four, five five or ten ten. “Iyi e...

Iwewe nẹ ewman ghee sẹẹ

Iruemwin ibiẹka

Ulaba (1 - 20,000)

Ukamwen (Mathematics)

Emwiokọ vbe emwin ukoni



Ẹgbẹ vbẹ Ẹdo


Elẹta Na Gben

Debae vbẹ Ukamwen